Re: [Evolution] Refreshing RDF summary in Exec. Sum.

On 31 Jan 2001 16:50:12 +0000, Mike Newman wrote:
On 31 Jan 2001 10:50:50 -0500, Tim Reilly wrote:

In my option, the best way to do it (without having looked at Evo's
code) is to put an option in the "[?]" menu for each RDF summary that
allows one to specify "Every X minutes/hours, refresh this summary."
That way I can have Slashdot, which updates often, refresh every hour,
but have, which updated much less frequently, refresh every

This sounds sensible, and has obvious parallels with reminders in the
Calendar component in that it involves a remote action involving a
component which may or may not be currently active. Perhaps Calendar and
Exec-Summary people should talk about this!


Ooh, I like it.  Plus, this kind of common-scheduling-thingy could later
be applied to.... auto-checking mail! ;)


P.S. I need a sig like: "The ultimate in greedy userdom"

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