Re: [Evolution] Building from CVS

I can't answer all of your questions, but the CVS instructions are here:

Good luck!


On 28 Feb 2001 09:54:45 -0500, Joseph B. Welsh wrote:
Hello List,

After waiting almost two weeks for new snapshot builds and not seeing
any on the FTP site. I would 
like to attempt to build a version from the CVS that I see so much about
on the list.

So, of course, I have a couple of questions. :-)

1.) Are there instructions? If so where are they?
2.) Should I uninstall all the rpms for evolution that I have (snapshot
2001 02 14 08 59)
3.) Is there a build order or config file to create/edit?
4.) Is it worth the trouble of learning or should I continue to wait for
snapshots? (I am currently aware about their move)


Joseph B. Welsh                   JWelsh ConsecoDirect com
Unix/Windows/Oracle Specialist    JWelsh99 Voicenet com
Conseco Direct Life Insurance     (215) 928 8466
399 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19181

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