Re: [Evolution] Can't find Gnome-Print?

On 23 Feb 2001 09:21:20 -0700, Craig Kelley wrote:
On 23 Feb 2001, rodrigo wrote:

I can't get evolution to fully compile but installing rh7 to begin with
was a mistake. Time for me to go back to debian.. This RPM stuff is just a

yes, good decision (to go back to debian)
Oh, apt never gets confused and hoses your whole system now does it?  :)

no, it does not hose your whole system. It's true that if you're using
unstable, sometimes some
programs break when upgrading, but in the worst case, the solution is
available in a couple of days.

But this never happened to me when using stable.

A friend of mine *used* to run 'apt-get update; apt-get
--assume-yes upgrade' from cron...  but not any more.

well, this cron job forces the upgrade, it's similar to rpm --force, so even

in RH, if you do so, you get the risk of breaking things.


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