[Evolution] gtkhtml rpms for redhat 6.2

    As some of you have requested, in


    you have the rpms for gtkhtml-0.8.3 for redhat 6.2 that permit
    running both evolution and red-carpet.

    If you try to build gtkhtml from cvs.gnome.org maybe you'll get
    0.8.1 instead of 0.8.3 (i don't know why, but happens randomly)
    Just delete it and do a checkout again.



 Universitat de Lleida
 Area de Sistemes d'Informacio i Comunicacions

 Carles Mateu i Piñol                  Tel: +34 973 702049
 Sistemes i Comunicacions              FAX: +34 973 702130

 e-mail: carlesm asic udl es
 www:    http://www.udl.es/usuaris/carlesm/
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