[Evolution] Evolution and Nautilus

HI Evo List

Now that I've built and installed an evo snapshot that i'm happy with
(2001 02 14 08 59)
I'd like to try Nautilus.

I'm running Mandrake 7.2 (GLIBC 2.1)

The first question is can they be installed together in the first place?
If yes

Any caveats that I should be aware of?

I heard that Mandrake has a pre release of their system (8.0) with both
the previews of Evo and Nautilus running
anybody try that yet?

Any info is aprreciated

Joseph B. Welsh                   JWelsh ConsecoDirect com
Unix/Windows/Oracle Specialist    JWelsh99 Voicenet com
Conseco Direct Life Insurance     (215) 928 8466
399 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19181

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