Re: [Evolution] Html graphics in received mail

It's because NY Times doesn't include the images in the actual message,
rather it expects the mail client to go out and fetch them. This is in
bugzilla and will eventually be done.


On 15 Feb 2001 10:07:00 -0500, Joseph B. Welsh wrote:
Does anybody know why when I receive an Html mail from New York Times or
Slate magazine
why the graphic don't appear?  All I get is indented box where the
graphic is supposed to go?

I'm using the Redhat 7 SRPMS recompiled for my Mandrake 7.2 machine (cvs


Joseph B. Welsh                   JWelsh ConsecoDirect com
Unix/Windows/Oracle Specialist    JWelsh99 Voicenet com
Conseco Direct Life Insurance     (215) 928 8466
399 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19181

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