[Evolution] PGP gives wrong result...


I use evolution latest snapshot for debian, and I use pgp5 with it. But
it always give me the result
"This message is digitally signed and has been found to be authentic".
When I use mutt I get the info that it cant find a key with the key
id.... aso which is correct since I dont have that key. 

the signing seems to work fine though...

//Snaggen, just reporting strange things...


Mattias Eriksson             E-mail: c96men cs umu se 
Tvistevägen 26                       snaggen acc umu se
907 36  UMEA                 Tel:    090-198800
SWEDEN                               070-5636769
'I don't fight for a cause   Hemsida: http://www.acc.umu.se/~snaggen 
I fight for the fight'       PGP: http://www.acc.umu.se/~snaggen/snaggen.asc

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