[Evolution] "Cannot initialize the Evolution shell."

I've had this error on both the Debian Evolution snapshot and a newly
checked-out clean compile from cvs. Evolution gives me the 'i'm making
directories for you' message and then i get a "Cannot initialize the
Evolution shell." dialog box. nothing is printed to stdout, and clicking
ok on that box ends evolution. i am very eager to try this app... any

eric a. Farris  eafarris al umces edu  www.bigfoot.com/~eafarris
Systems Administrator
Appalachian Laboratory, UMCES  www.al.umces.edu

This message composed in an MFCE (Microsoft Free Computing Environment).
Courtesy of Debian GNU/Linux  www.debian.org

A man who wants to lead the orchestra must first turn his back on the crowd.
  -- Max Lucado

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