Re: [Evolution] Jan 30 Snapshot

On Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 02:05:23PM -0800, Graham Hughes wrote to To Evolution:
:-) Mark Dailey <mdailey accero net> writes:
:-) But this I know.  Best one that comes to mind is mutt,
:-) .  A really good client, I only abandoned it
:-) because its IMAP support is not really the best at present.

Actually, since there has been on and off problems with evo and the composer ( and the fact that I am now 
using RH 7.0.90 :), I am using mutt over IMAP, and I have had no problems.
I have even used mutt over secure IMAP w/o any problems...



Don Harper                              work: don mpv com
Senior Systems Manager        
Medical Present Value, Inc.             +01-512-795-0015x201

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