Re: [Evolution] Retaining settings

On Wed, 2001-12-19 at 11:53, Neil Hodge wrote:

I know I should not reply to myself, but I just wanted to ask one more
time if anyone knows about this.  Thanks.

Not specifically, but in general if Evo is not remembering settings
between sessions, it's probably because old Evo components are still
running.  Try doing a killev; oaf-slay before starting up Evo.  Beware
that oaf-slay will also bring down Nautilus and Galeon.

By the way, a lot of your questions, particularly the one about spell
checking, are answered in the archives (  This particular
question comes up at least once or twice a week.



On Sun, 2001-12-16 at 14:42, Neil Hodge wrote:

Whenever I start Evolution, it does not remember the view settings I was
using the last time I was in the program (particularly the font sizes). 
Is there any way to get Evolution to remember this information between
runs?  Thanks.

Neil Hodge

P.S. - Besides a few small complaints, I love the software.  Palm
synching was easy and fast, very nice!

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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