[Evolution] during install, Unable to resolve...

I "created" a cd.  Actually, at this moment it on my HD, but I have
the installer and two .xml files in a directory with one subdirectory,
redhat-72-i386, as per directions for building a cd..

I start KDE or Gnome as a user, then open a shell window, su to root,
then execute the installer.

When I execute installer-rpm-glibc2.1-i386, the installer starts.
When I click "next" on page 3 (installation type) I get the message:
"ERROR: Unable to resolve the server.  Please insure that your network
connection is working properly."

I know I have a network connection.  I can even use the "host" command
to resolve red-carpet.ximian.com.  Any idea why I have this error or
how I can fix it?


Ed Weinberg, Q5 Comm, LLC.
edw q5comm com
tel 914-713-7222
fax 914-713-7227 
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