Re: [Evolution] Localisation bug in Evo 1.0

On Aoine, 2001-12-14 at 19:55, Kjartan Maraas wrote:
ons, 2001-12-12 kl. 10:57 skrev Ken Guest:
with LANG exported to be ga_IE, I've noticed that
the caption Feilire is used in the Folder Bar, for getting
to the calendar view, but the similar entry in the Shortcut bar
has not yet been translated - the caption is still "Calendar" 
rather than "Feilire".

Probably a case of this string not being translated in the .po file.

I've checked
which is the latest version, and it seems that it has been translated.
The problem seems to be that the caption is picked out from
shortcuts.xml, which really isn't a problem if someone might want to
edit/rename it.
So I'm not really sure if this is a bug anymore (as I don't think 
Evo should attempt to translate user input data), but it might be an
idea for Evo to catch on to the fact that the name of the shortcut
hasn't been edited and to display the localised translation of the
caption rather than the original caption.


The duck quacks.

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