Re: [Evolution] Date Format.......still

Chris, Thank you for clearing that up for me, that is exactly what I
needed to know.I can live with this as is.

Thank you,


On Wed, 2001-12-12 at 11:56, Christopher James Lahey wrote:
On Wed, 2001-12-12 at 15:21, Jon Reynolds wrote:
I have asked this before but recieved no reply so please excuse the
repitition. I always sort my emails by sent(date) but I am seeing 3
different formats for dates they are as follows:
1. 8:38am   thats it no day or month
2. Today 8:38 AM not to bad.
3. Dec 12 9:33 AM now thats how I would like it always.

If I have missed somethng please let me know how to fix it, I am not
opposed to reading epic documents of howto's if I can find the right
one. Also, this isn't a critical need of mine I just like conformity
from my system.

It displays only the time if the message if it's from the last 8 hours. 
Older than that, up to a week you get Today, Yesterday, or the week
day.  Older than that, up to a year old, you get the date & time.  Older
than a year, you get the date and the year.

It's not possible to modify this at this time.

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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