Re: [Evolution] Ximian Connector?

On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 01:19, Chris Ball wrote:
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 03:40:48PM -0800, Ujwal S. Sathyam wrote:
This sounds really interesting.

.. furthermore, it sounds like a wonderful business model, given
that nothing else really does this yet.  It seems that even Evolution
doesn't, from the examples of discussion on here that I've seen - for
example, our calendaring at the moment is p2p, right?  How will Evo(GPL)
handle this when Evo(Proprietary) appears?  Is it really planned to
have a version of iCal that wanders around client->client as well as a
version that talks to servers?

I assume that the connector will be a plugin that uses bonobo to do it's
stuff.  Therefore everything in evo will still be the same.

What I would like to see is a evolution server that's GPL'ed and then a
plugin to it for outlook-capability.  That plugin can be proprietary for
all I care.

In my company most people are running either outlook or evolution but
there is no way we will install a windows-server just for serving
calendars and the like.


Erik Bågfors               | erik bagfors nu
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