Re: [Evolution] Japanese text input

On 2 Dec 2001, Peter Williams wrote:

On Sun, 2001-12-02 at 22:13, Damien Miller wrote:

I would like to be able to write (and read) the occasional Japanese
email in Evolution (which rocks BTW). I haven't been able to find any
documentation on how I could go about this - can anyone point me to

This came up on this list about a week ago. Hopefully the following
thread in the online archives will help:

That is just what I needed! Apologies for not checking the recent 
archives - I rely too heavily on Google.

Apart from the pre-edit position problem (bug #9526), it works great.

Thanks a lot,
Damien Miller

| By convention there is color,       \\ Damien Miller <djm mindrot org>
| By convention sweetness, By convention bitterness, \\
| But in reality there are atoms and space - Democritus (c. 400 BCE)

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