Re: [Evolution] Filter Actions

On 23 Aug 2001 16:49:52 -0400, Aaron Kemp wrote:

I remember something a while back about a patch someone had written to
add "Execute Command" to the filter actions list...

Is this a feature that will make 1.0?  It seems like a Good Thing (TM)
since it would allow things like playing sounds...

I have no idea whether it's a feature that will be included in 1.0, if
at all... since I'm not involved in the release, but I do remember
something about it when it was discussed on the mailing list.

If I remember correctly, the patch was submitted but then retracted
because, at least for playing sounds, it had it's limitations.  For
example, since it was a filter, the sound would get played... but it
would get played for every message that activated the filter!  So, if
you received 100 messages... the sounds would get played 100 times.  Not
exactly the desired effect.

I think the person who originally submitted the patch may still be
working on a better solution.  ??  ... but it seems doubtful it will
make it in by 1.0.  Probably post-1.0... for code stability reasons.

again... this is only an educated guess on my part.



evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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