Re: [Evolution] many problems with imap

On 19 Aug 2001 14:11:54 -0400, Peter Williams wrote:
Hi Craig,

On 17 Aug 2001 15:21:36 -0400, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
[comments/answers below]

Actually, Jeff was lying about the subdirectory thing. If you want to
create IMAP subdirectories with WU, just create a folder, and create
another folder under it. Evolution will delete the parent folder
(assuming it's empty, of course, recreate it with the trailing slash,
and then create the child folder).

This whole trailing-slash business is just a facet of the IMAP protocol.
Our job is to try to make sure you don't need to know that kind of stuff
to use evolution.
you know, i would have put money on the fact that i thought i had
already tried that, but apparently not.  i did it again now and it
worked just as you suggested.  maybe when i tried it i used a non-empty
mail folder.  a bug appeared immediately though, the newly created
directory folder suddenly looked like it contained the mails in the
INBOX.  need to report that.

it _looks_ like my main problem might actually be with filters, or
perhaps filters applied to multiple imap connections.  when i disable
the filters, it works much better, taking some 10 minutes before my
status bar started filling up with 'synchronising folder ...'.  turning
the filters back on and it happens within 60 seconds again (normally as
soon as the first message appears).  i'm still trying to narrow it done
a bit to make a somewhat useful bug report.

is there anyway of turning on more debugging info for evolution?  the
only hint of funny business i get is a message in the imapd log
indicating that the client didn't correctly logout, just disconnected.
but i can't see anyway of logging more of the commands.  i am trying to
run evolution from the cmd-line, but nothing at all gets printed out
before it hangs.  i'll keep trying to find something, but if there is a
handy-dandy argument i can pass it to dump its stuff out to the
terminal, i'd love to hear about it.



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