Re: [Evolution] Advice

actually, if the list email address is in your contact list and you've told it that it should not get html, Outlook is smart enough to know that the email shouldn't be HTML after all. but yes, if it can't know, it can't know. but it beats being asked the question when 99% of the time, it's ok to send html. and besides, the list should be set up to either reject HTML mail or handle MIME and take the multi-part/alternative text version.

Adam Clater wrote:

This could serve to make a bad situation worse, eg.  someone sends a
HTML message to a list, and you fire back with a "no html on list", but
evo makes it HTML....

On 18 Jan 2001 17:34:14 -0800, troy hakala wrote:

One pretty brilliant thing that Outlook does that I haven't seen any other product do has to do with HTML vs plain text mail. Mozilla, for example, asks me every time i send if i wanna send HTML or plain text. Outlook has simple but smart logic: if the message I'm replying to came in as HTML, my reply is HTML. That works very well. Another super-useful Outlook thing is that it does "morphing" of items... so I can drag an email message to the calendar to create an appointment item (or any folder to create that item type) with the text of the email in the appointment text field. I wished Outlook could go back the other way too.

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