Re: [Evolution] Evolution and local mail folders

On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 11:09:07PM -0400, Fred Chagnon wrote:
Im confused now.

Setting up an account using standard unix mbox doesn't work. These aren't
mbox format. (or are they)

yes...when you have /var/mail/user or if you use procmail(not
outputing to maildir or mh) the output will be a standard mbox format
file.  The problem is is that evolution doesnt(yet) want to read and
right from them.  It will read from them just fine, but to write to
them it wants its own extra info:

$ ls ~/evolution/local/Inbox/
folder-metadata.xml  mbox  mbox.ev-summary  mbox.ibex

Has anyone done something like this....or can it even be done?
What you can do if you want is access the mbox files through a local
imap server... 

Tricking evolution into reading and writing to another mbox file may
work, ie/ linking ~/mail/mbox to ~/evolution/local/Inbox/mbox, but it
may end up currupting the file.  The local imap solution would work
though, but its probably not what you want.


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