Re: [Evolution] Welcome message

        I asked this ages ago, apparently it will stay until the 1.0 release (
i think), its a sort of disclamer, as alot of people can get very nasy
if losing their e-mail.
The way round it is to edit one of the config files in the evo src and
recompile it.
Sorry I don't know which file
        Hope this helps

On 03 Aug 2001 11:44:57 +0200, Martin Skjöldebrand wrote:
Pardon an Evolution newbie but is it possible to get rid of the welcome
message that pops up the first time you start Evolution? It is a wee bit
irritating seeing it EVERY time I start the app. Also I want to to start
maximized but it doesn't seem to remember that.

(Mandrake 8, KDE 2.1.1)


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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