Re: [Evolution] writing in To field is interrupted by drop-down contacts list

On 03 Aug 2001 10:31:33 +0300, Marius Andreiana wrote:
On 30 Jul 2001 14:37:20 -0500, Jon Trowbridge wrote:
On 27 Jul 2001 10:08:15 +0300, Marius Andreiana wrote:
Wish it wouldn't interrupt at all, but drown-down list be there
so I can go anytime on it with down arrow and it should also
get smaller as I write in To: field (less matches)

The "drop-down-box-doesn't-get-smaller" bug has been fixed in CVS, and
thus this fix should appear in snapshots soon (if it hasn't already).
It gets smaller in 0.12, but I'm still interrupted in writing. 
Example: Compose message, start writing in To: field
all contacts which start with 't' popup and focus is set to the popup.
I press up arrow to be able to continue.
all contacts which start with 'to' appear again in popup (popup has
again press up arrow to continue.

Desired behavior:

start writing in To: field
all contacts which start with 't' popup, focus is set back to To: field,
but I can press down arrow to select from contacts if I wish.
only contacts which start with 'to' appear in popup now, focus set back
to 'To: field' ...
when no matching contact anymore popup dissapears.

So setting focus back to To: field after poping up contacts would be 

I just tried this (I normally use the separate recipient list), and it
seems to do exactly what you want. I start writing, and as I write, the
possible completions show up in the drop-down list without messing with
keyboard focus in any way.

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Mr. Jan Morén                          Dept. of Cognitive Science
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