Re: [Evolution] Sending error

On 23 Apr 2001 12:27:33 +0000, Juantomás García wrote:

I was trying to send the email aout of my office. My SMTP was
sending a no relay message. I think that something is causing 
an overflow when interpreting this answer from my MTA so evo
display a wrong message even crash it. 

When I reconfigure my MTA to accept relay from my current 
IP it work again as usually.

I have experienced something of the same, my error message was a long
string though something like 'c934hfnb4845845

MTA is qmail 

Problem started when I tried to use that MTA, but apparently didn't
really go away till I erased the evolution files in my homedir and let
it install them again.


Brian Lund Larsen

SysAdm ApS

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