Re: [Evolution] rebuild RC faild

Hi !

As I miss redcarpet, I tried to rebuild it from the SRPM from
However it didn't work:

Mine did work this way. HOWEVER, the difference is that I manually
uninstalled Red Carpet (rpm -e red-carpet), installed the latest Evo
snapshot, THEN rebuilt Red Carpet from the SRPM. Worked like a charm.

I didn't let Red Carpet uninstall itself.

... I have a Gnome1.4 installed from redcarpet, on a RH6.2 system.
in particular:
[xav nomade:~]$ rpm -q gtkhtml
[xav nomade:~]$ rpm -q gnet-devel

Do you have gnet-1.0.4-0_helix_1, as well, or only the -devel?

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