Re: [Evolution] new redcarpet ?

Le 2001.04.17 19:05:20 +0200, Michael Leone a écrit :
Now that RedCarpet is dead, when will its next snapshot appear ? I
You let RC remove itself when installing today's snapshot?

You might be able to re-install it, by downloading RC again from
It won't install (mismatch on gtkhtml ...)

I suppose you could try a rpm -Uvh --force *.rpm.

Or try uninstalling today's evolution snapshot, and re-installing the last
snapshot (which should be in your /var/cache/red-carpet/packages). That can
be tricky, tho - many dependcy problems.

Personally, I'd wait until tomorrow, when (hopefully) there will be a new
gtkhtml build (which you'll probably have to get yourself), and then maybe
RC will re-install again.

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