Re: [Evolution] More bugs to report


    > Ok so I came across another bug or actually 2 of them.  1.  I
    > have a pair of messages that have gotten merged together into a
    > single message.

  <danw helixcode com> and <notzed helixcode com> are the men.  :-)

    > 2.  When sending a message, I have noticed that using a comma
    > inside of quotes will mess up.  For example, if I wanted to send
    > a mail to "Doe, John <johndoe home com>" using sendmail as my
    > mail transport, it will attempt to send the message to "Doe".
    > It completely ignores the rest of the address.

  Thanks for  reporting this, I  have filed it  in so that it  will be
fixed ASAP.


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