[Evolution] bonobo, ORBit, evolution.........bonobo, ORBit, evolution.........bonobo, ORBit, evolution.........

Hello all,
I downloaded evolution-0.5.tar.gz last night, I am using the source as the
RPM is not yet available for PPC.
When trying to ./configure it stops saying bonobo-0.18 is required, but I
have this version of bonobo installed from RPM by previous
evolution-0.4.ppc.rpm install!!

Also I have tried installing Bonobo-0.18 from source and it tells me that I
need Orbit-0.5.3 but this has also been installed via ppc.rmp!, so I go one
step further and install Orbit from source without any problems, then go
back to installing Bonobo-0.18.tar.gz and I get the same error message
telling me it requires Orbit - but this version of Orbit has now been
installed via ppc.rpm and tar.gz, please help........

any ideas or help would be appreciated,

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