[Evolution] Evolution 0.6 Questions

Hey guys.
First of all, let me say congrats on making so many great improvements
to this product.  This looks flashier and it is more stable.  Now I
would like to ask some questions:

What happened to the filter on demand option.  I loved that option and
now it it totally missing.  Was there just an unresolvable problem with

The second thing is, why do the vFolders work if selected from the
folders bar but they do not work if you make a new group in the shortcut
bar and make a shortcut in there?  

The final thing is, why is it that evolution requires the gpilot
libraries to be installed yet do not have pilot support?

Let me say again. I absolutely love this new version of
evolution.  Especially because the line wrapping problems seem to have
been fixed along with the html scrolling with the mouse wheel stuff. The
only pet peeves I had with the other versions :)

Sejal Patel (spatel agency com)
Technical Consultant
Agency.com : Atlanta

"I can call spirits from the vasty deep. Why so can I, or so can any man,
but will they come when you do call for them?"
                                Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part I

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