Re: [Evolution] Shortcut creation and other minor issues.

First of all, I just installed the newest Evolution from Helix-updater
and I must say I am very impressed.  All of my former calendar problems
have gone away (Yeah!) as well as many other problems.  Congrats on such
a wonderful program!!

Now, after all the buttering, I still have a few silly problems.  When I
drag a folder from the folders view, the one I drag (and that is still
selected) doesn't not get created.  Some other random one gets
created.  Ex: Grad "saved" from a IMAP source and drag it to the
shortcut bar.  "Trash" gets created.  Strange, but I'm sure a simple
I also had this problem. It went away when I deleted the mail source and
the directory for that imap server under ~/evolution/mail/imap and let
evolution rebuild it  by adding the mail source again. I am just
guessing but suspect it may be to do with the imap directory structure
changing between invocations of evolution. 

*  Guy Steven                       *  Meadow Mushrooms Marathon  *
*                                   *  Christchurch, New Zealand  *
*  Barrister & Solicitor            *           #####             *
*  ph 64 3 355 6189                 *   ###  3 JUNE 2001  ###     *
*  gsteven southern co nz           *           #####             *

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