Re: [Evolution] Arguments against the outlook bar

hi guys,
I agree that the shortcut bar really isn't the best way to navigate your
way through the program.  But on the other hand, the folder bar isn't as
slick looking as the shortcut bar. what whould be nice is to make it look
like the navigation in the gnome control center. That is a really nice way
to present a heirarchy and not make it look to a novice user like a file


On 18 Oct 2000, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

After a that brief message the other day from Fejj and myself arguing
against the shortcut bar, I felt that it was time to provide some more
concrete arguments against it.  I've been working with a few other
people to come up with some convincing reasons to get rid of it, or at
least take it out of the default view.  
The first thing that comes to mind is the blatant theft of the design of
Microsoft Outlook, but that doesn't seem to carry a lot of weight, so we
had to do better.
The shortcut bar hides a lot of the better functionality that is
available in Evolution, as many people will not go digging through the
menus.  The folder bar gives them an immediate view with not only their
mail related folders (inbox, outbox, sent items, and drafts), but it
also gives them a view onto white pages/directories, and vfolders.  The
latter is one of the revolutionary features in Evolution, and making
them visible from the moment that someone starts using Evolution is
The folder vew is used when creating folders, and when moving and
copying messages, and probably for all similar actions (I haven't
looked, yet).  This could be very confusing for a new user.  J Newbie
decides to create a new folder to store the messages (s)he wants to keep
from the GNOME list.  When (s)he goes to create the new folder, (s)he
sees this heirarchy that's never been visible before.  (S)He thinks, "Oh
My!  What do I do here?" because they've never seen the heirarchy in
email before.  
For expienced users, they're already familar with looking at filesystems
and other data as a heirarchy.  Giving them a heirarchy from the get-go
will allow them to migrate from their other mail clients more
easily.  With a heirarchial view, it's also easier to form groups of
folders, say a top folder for GNOME, with sub-folders for gnome-list,
gnome-devel, gnome-doc, i18n gnome org, etc.


Any weird characters in this message are the fault of Evolution, not
me.  Really.  :-)

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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