Re: [Evolution] IMAP woes

I believe that this is mostly a MessageList bug, but yeah - it's VERY

Proposed fix: be able to have the message list query for *new* and
*removed* message uids rather than requesting the entire thing again and
then rebuilding the list from scratch. This is a MAJOR performace killer. I
dunno about you, but I find that downloading the headers from IMAP takes
around the same or less time than it takes the message list to be created
and displayed. This NEEDs to be fixed.

I'm not an expert on ETable so I dunno where the issues are, but even
having to reload from a fresh uid list shouldn't take this long. Heck, even
Spruce loads faster using a CList!


On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Joe Shaw wrote:
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 14:36:39 -0400 (EDT)
To: evolution helixcode com, evolution-hackers helixcode com
From: Joe Shaw <joe helixcode com>
Sender: evolution-admin helixcode com
Subject: [Evolution] IMAP woes

Hey gang, Ettore asked me to send this here.

I've been having usability issues with IMAP, particularly on large
mailboxes. My main mailbox that I use for testing has nearly 15000
messages, and is about 63 megs in size. When using IMAP, everytime I get
new mail in that box (which is pretty frequent), Evolution insists on
rebuilding my message view, which takes an unbearably long time, and
me away fromt he message I'm viewing. My IMAP experiences usually consist
of me getting the message view built, clicking on a message, waiting for
it to download and display, having it immediately rebuild the message
view, and take me back to the original message. VERY annoying. This
happens too for smaller mailboxes, although it takes less time to rebuild
the message view so it's a little more usable. I don't have these issues
(at least performance-wise) with a local store of comparable
size. Ideally, evolution would lazily rebuild the message
view. Regardless, these performance issues have been a barrier to me
it as my everyday email client.


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com
Spruce: An Email client. A complex, subtly balanced life support system.

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