Re: [Evolution] Possible bugs?

Regarding scroll bars - I changed sawfish themes and they came
back.  I'm confused... didn't know this was theme dependent.

First of all, great job to the evolution developers!!!  Things are
working much better than the first few CVS's after 0.51!

I'm having a few weirdnesses.  When I click on ONE SPECIFIC folder,
Evolution crashes every time.  Don't ask me why one folder triggers
it.  I can click the other ones to my heart's content.  I have sent Dan
and Ettore some gdb info about this.  

There are two other things I am noticing.  One, the scrollbars in the
heading list magically went away!!  This is very painful, but not fatal.

The other thing just falls in the category of interface
weirdness.  Sometimes when you switch folders, the toolbar (Get mail/
Compose / Delete, etc) disappears for a few milliseconds and then comes
back.  It doesn't happen with every folder for me, but only

Also just a small thing, after you check mail, the status bar still says
"Expunging /mbox" until the next action you do.  It should probably
clear itself out.

Just a few things.  I hope I'm not nagging too much!  Can't wait for

Misty Linville
Implementation Support Engineer
Cybersource - The Power Behind the Buy Button

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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