Re: [Evolution] Evolution from CVS

Tyler Owen wrote:

Can someone please help, I am trying to install Evolution from CVS because
I need IMAP support.  I read in the Mailing list archives to try the CVS
install so here I am!

I am running Red Hat 7.  I installed the non CVS version of Evolution and
it worked but no IMAP, got an error saying:

Error while 'Loading imap://username servername/.INBOX"': IMAP server
response did not contain LIST Information

So I got the CVS source and during compile I get an error saying that I
need bonobo >= 0.29  So I searched for this and from the the
latest development package available is 0.28

So how am I supposed to meet the dependancy if the package does not exist
(if it does please tell where to get it)

I encountered the problem this morning, and solved by compiling bonobo from
cvs (same cvs then evolution)

And now it works.


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