Re: [Evolution] Percent signs?

    Okay, I'm not sure if this is evolution or Outlook 2000 Pro, but I
    typed a message that said something like this:  "2.4.0-test10
    increased my network -- it's about 10 2.877144aster"

    but when it got quoted back to me, it said something like this:
    "2.4.0-test10 increased my network -- it's about 10 2.8346332aster"

    Notice no "f"

    My friend (who works with microsoft at hotmail) thinks it's my
    mailer, since when I quoted _that_ back to him he didn't see
    anything strange.

FYI I get that too!!!


Erik Bågfors               | Center for Parallel Computers    |
erik bagfors nu            | bagfors pdc kth se  
Supporter of free software | GSM +46 70 398 54 43 
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