[Evolution] Installer fails...

Is there a list of bugs for the helix installer? I have been trying to
get helix installed wth no success, even though I should have more than
enough disk space and a pretty standard system, i.e.:

Machine: PIII/500, 512Mb
OS:     RedHat 6.2 with all current updates and security patches
Disk:   36Gb total, with 211Mb free on /usr 

The installer downloads all the packages, thinks for a bit an then
insists that I need an additional 80Mb in order to install the

I would have thought it would go remove the RH6.2 versions that were
installed as part of the GNOME set and then just instlal the new helix
versions.. any idea what's ahppening..?

David HM Spector                        Network Design & Infrastructure Security
spector zeitgeist com               -or-                     spector spector com
voice: +1 631.261.5013                                       Fax: +1 631.262.7497
Amateur Radio: W2DHM (ARRL life member) GridSquare: FN30hv (40.52'45"N 73.21'21"W) 
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  "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is
   the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." -- William Pitt

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