Re: [Evolution] Is there a news reader planned?

Patrick Berry wrote:

on 5/28/00 11:37 AM, Jamie Zawinski at jwz jwz org wrote:

Patrick Berry wrote:

I would assume that evolution will be able to use pan (the gnome news reader
that is in the helix package) as a component, much like it uses everything
else as components.

Even if that's possible, building separate apps for reading mail and
news is madness.  The two tasks share upwards of 95% of the UI and

But I thought that was the point of using components.  Evolution does a good
job of using the gnome-pim for it's calendar portion...I don't see why it
couldn't do as good a job with pan.  Am I missing something?

Having two components that do more or less the same thing, whould defeat
the point of having components in the first place. The mail client and
the calendar share no code, as they do completely different things,
which is why they are seperate. The only thing seperating mail from news
is the way the messages are retrieved and one header field.

The "only" thing needed for the mail to read mail is a camel provider,
that understands NNTP. The rest of the code will work allmost out of the

I hope this clarifies.


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