Re: [Evolution] pop3 password issues

on 5/11/00 1:29 PM, Dan Winship had the thought:

The <6526 958079077 www freestylesoft com> in the initial connection
line indicates that the POP server supports APOP, which will make
Evolution use APOP rather than USER/PASS. I suppose what this probably
means is that your pop server is set up to do APOP but not set up to
do APOP for *you*. So I guess Evolution has to stop trying to be so

Okay, so the qmail pop3d is saying it can do APOP, but checkpoppasswd
doesn't do APOP.  Damn.  How should I handle this?  Should I modify
checkpoppasswd to do APOP as well?  In case this is handy at all, here is
how pop3d is started:

    supervise /var/supervise/qmail/pop3 tcpserver -v -H -R 0 pop-3 \
       /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
       /bin/checkpoppasswd /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1 | \
       /var/qmail/bin/splogger pop3d &

The only reason I am using this paticular password check is because we are
doing pop3 through a single UID on the mail server.

Would it make sense at all that if evolution fails at APOP to revert to
straight POP, or is defeating the whole purpose of APOP?

Freestyle Interactive | | 415.778.0610

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