Re: [Evolution] Evolution "Prokaryote" 0.0 has been released

Ettore Perazzoli <ettore helixcode com> el día 11 May 2000 09:21:48 -0400, 

   Sergio> this means that I will start complaining to all evolution
   Sergio> users for sending html email ?

   Sergio> what format will be the default ?

 I don't think this has been  decided yet, but it's a minor issue, as

well, 99% of the users (if gnome is going to world desktop domination)
will use what you hackers choose by default...

so i don't think is a minor issue, I've seen gnome hackers bashing
people from posting html in this lists ...

long as the user is informed  about the consequences and the choice is
made clear enough.  Actually, we  could make it mandatory for the user
to specify this before he starts using Evolution.

desktop people don't understand this(*), if you are going to ask, you
will confuse them, they don't know about internal formats, they just 
write and send ...

(*) when i ask to my friens and coworkers why they send me html email,
=all= of they ask: "haa ?, what are you talking about ?"

 And anyway, HTML is not the root of all evil.

haa, that's because you have a html capable reader now ...  :)

maybe this can work: if the user don't use colors, bold, etc,
evolution will send in text/plain, on the contrary evo will
send multipart/alternative with text/plain & text/html


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