[no subject]

1) an MSRPC endpoint mapper needs to be implemented. Luckily, 
MSRPC is based (embrace & extend) on DCE RPC; however, the free 
DCE implementation from the OSF is not GPL'd. I haven't looked 
into the licensing in too much detail yet, but this might be 
more of a problem for a gnome project than for our "rogue" 

2) once we can speak MSRPC, we can experimentally deduce the
protocol exchange speaks to outlook, without any reverse
engineering (which is illegal/sketchy in the US.)

I would *so* much prefer to use a backend that I trusted, but
fortunately, I'm not the VP of anything anywhere, so I don't
get to decide. Still, I hope Chris Dent's reminder to stay 
focused is well taken. I would label Exchange compatibility
as a wish, not a requirement...

Mario D. Santana, Web Systems Architect, Web Team, Autodesk, Inc.
President and CEO, El Orangutan, Ltd - Betting on a better monkey
http://home.tampabay.rr.com/msantana - mario santana autodesk com
  ...dress up this rotten carcass just to make it look alive...

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