Re: [Evolution] Security Issues

I'd say one of the best lines of defense that we have is that Evolution will
not be integrated into your system like Outlook/Express are in Windows.
This means that a hostile email can't corrupt stuff on your system, it
might crash Evolution but that'd be the worst it could do.

You *will* still have to be careful about running shell scripts/executables
that come as attachments though, however we will probably have Evolution
save them to disk with your default file permissions (which for the average
user is 644 - meaning the average user will NOT be able to just run these
programs; they'll have to chmod them first).

Obviously there will still be dangers. Even using a mailer like pine or elm
you have to be careful about running attachments.

Hopefully Miguel or someone will answer your question with a little more
detail than I have, but I hope my answer has answered at least most of your


On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Joe Barr wrote:
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 11:18:51 -0500
To: evolution helixcode com
From: Joe Barr <warthawg blackhat net>
Reply-To: warthawg blackhat net
Subject: [Evolution] Security Issues

How will the way Evolution handles scripts/html/executables
be different than that of Outlook/Outlook Express?  Or will
Evolution users be just as exposed to the ravages of user
hostile mail as Windows users?

See ya,
Joe Barr

| "Hoping the problem goes away by ignoring it |
| is 'the Microsoft approach to programming'   |
| and should never be allowed." Linus Torvalds |

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com
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