[Evolution] Feature requests

Evolution is getting better all the time (being true to it's name!).
Here are some thoughts to keep the evolution happening!

1. More sophisticated matching for filters, in particular for virtual
folder filters.  At the moment you have a list of conditions which can
be either "and-ed" together or "or-ed" together.  But there is no
facility for doing a combination of the two.  I found I needed this
ability with the following scenario.  I wanted to have a virtual
folder for my friend Matt.  But I also wanted the folder to include
messages that I had sent Matt.  So I filtered for "sender matt" or
"recipient matt".  The problem with this, is that it included messages
to matt that were not from me (ie cc-ed to matt).  I don't want these
messages in the Matt virtual folder, so what do I do?  I would like to
   "sender matt" or ("recipient matt" and "sender me")
but filters do not currently support this.  There are two possible
solutions.  One is to revamp the graphical interface to allow this.
The other is to allow the option of a simple language interface
instead of the graphical one.  Ie, allow people to effectively type
what I have done above, instead of the graphical boxes based one.  The
best idea would to implement both solutions and give the user the
ability to choose which one they want to use.

2. While on the subject of filters... it would be nice to be able to
delete a specific condition in the list, not simply the last one.  It
would also be nice to be able to rearrange the order of the conditions
in the list.  I know that with the current setup, order does not
affect things, but I would like to be able to order stuff
alphabetically, so that if I insert a new email address, I can easily
tell whether I already have it or not.

3. The composer editor... I have things setup to be "emacs-like" but
it is only emacs-like in a very limited sense.  Ctrl-a and Ctrl-e
work, but Ctrl-k doesn't.  And Meta-q doesn't format a paragraph.  I
find Meta-q extremely useful in email.  In particular in emacs, Meta-q
allows you to format paragraphs that have been "> " quoted etc --- it
nicely formats the paragraph while keeping the "> " indenting properly
intact.  This is very useful if you are replying to a message where
the person didn't format their paragraph very well, or where the
formatting has been mucked up for various reasons.

Well, I'm sure there are lots of other ideas I could think of, but
that's enough for this email.



____/~~\_____/~~\________________________________mark ist flinders edu au_
        "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!" 

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