Re: [Evolution] Composer Feature Request

On 26 Dec 2000 13:58:29 -0500, Christopher James Lahey wrote:

Well, this is sort of the idea of sending VCards.  You send all the
person's contact information instead of just their email address.
Agreed, but there are times when this is inappropriate - especially
where the recipient does not need to know all the other details, or
where I'd need to safeguard other aspects of the privacy of the contact
I'm passing on.

Also, sometimes a vCard just seems like overkill in a short message - I
think there are times I'd use both the vCard and the "insert contact..."

I think that people intuitively prefer to insert the contact at a point
in the message where its apposite - whilst vCard are technically and
informationally superior, they are somewhat less obvious to users.


Mike Newman, Weston-super-Mare, UK | "Not even starcrossed, just unlucky"  |     mike gtnorthern demon co uk

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