Re: [Evolution] A couple of show stoppers...

Still... I use it every day for in > 250 mails.  It  handels it well for
pre-beta software...

"Pre-beta"? It's at 0.8, out of 1.0 (which will be the first offical
released version). I'd call that "late beta".

Software version numbers are not real numbers. The next version will
be 0.9, and the one after that will be 0.10, etc, etc. There is no
implication (from the version number alone) that we're nearing 1.0.

Evolution IS pre-beta. We've been calling these releases "preview
releases", and each one starts up with a big warning message saying
that it will "lose your mail" and "embarass you in front of your
friends and co-workers". Yes, it crashes if it doesn't like your Gtk
theme. Yes, some features are really annoying to use. That's because
you're looking at a development snapshot of incomplete software. Some
day, all of this stuff will be (almost) fixed, and THEN we'll call it

-- Dan

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