[Evolution] Problems building oaf...


I am a new (well, new when I get it built) evolution user and I am tring
to compile it from cvs.  When I compile oaf I get the following error:

oaf-servreg.c:51:51: pasting would not give a valid preprocessing token

with the oaf-servreg.c snippet:

        if (need_ior_printout) {
                g_error ("This process has not registered the required
OafIID "
                         "your source code should register '%s'. If your
code is "
                         "performing delayed registration and this
message is trapped "
                         "in error, see oaf_idle_reg_check_set.",
 line 51 ->                        oaf_activation_iid_get ());

What am I missing??

Todd Kaehler       kaehler psmfc org     http://www.psmfc.org/
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
45 S.E. 82nd Drive, Suite 100   .   Gladstone, Oregon 97027-2522
Phone:(503)650-5400                   Fax:(503)650-5426

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