Re: [Evolution] more 8bits char pb

On 19 Dec 2000 22:45:07 +0100, Xavier Bestel wrote:

until 5 min ago I thought 'OK, I have no more 8bits char pb with Evo.8,
But I just found a minor one: If I enter some accentuated char in the
'Description' field of an attachment, it's displayed directly in UTF8 - so

There are more.  A user with a name tat has 8bit char(s) in it will not
display correctly.
For example mail from me will look like "Erik B_ ors" in the list of

But in the mail-view they will be ok.


Erik Bågfors               | Center for Parallel Computers    |
erik bagfors nu            | bagfors pdc kth se  
Supporter of free software | GSM +46 70 398 54 43 
fingerprint: 6666 A85B 95D3 D26B 296B 6C60 4F32 2C0B 693D 6E32

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