Re: [Evolution] Re: [Evolution-hackers] Feature request summary for December 18th, 2000.

On 18 Dec 2000 21:56:02 -0500, NotZed wrote:


    - Ability to select multiple source folders.
    (Guy Steven <rgs etive southern co nz>)

Like you can already?

Only by repeatedly pressing the add button, choosing a folder and
pressing OK. I want to be able to press the add button, choose all the
folders (ie multiple selection) and then press OK

*  Guy Steven                       *  Meadow Mushrooms Marathon  *
*                                   *  Christchurch, New Zealand  *
*  Barrister & Solicitor            *           #####             *
*  ph 64 3 355 6189                 *   ###  3 JUNE 2001  ###     *
*  gsteven southern co nz           *           #####             *

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