Re: [Evolution] only executive-summary

hi..I should have given this info earlier...

this is console output if it helps whats going on..i can't access any
other than executive-summary ..I'm in same boat as
 using RH7 but i'm using 2.4.0-test11 kernel...

    I had the same thing on my RedHat 7.0 machine, I fixed it by
    uninstalling then reinstalling the GConf rpm by hand (I don't
    know why this worked).

    I am having the same problems as other people on this list, I
    can't open a compose window and the mail component crashes when ever
    I scroll down to an attachment. That last bit is not strictly true
    I have read one message with JPG attachments so I suspect it only
    crashes on those messages with vcard's attached.


Paul A Coates, Computing Service    Web:
Newcastle University, Claremont Road,      Email: Paul Coates ncl ac uk
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, England             Tel: +44-191-222-7986

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