[Evolution] Feadback on Evolution 0.8


I have installed Evolution 0.8 and it seems working fine (but not with
the default Bonobo RPMs from Helix ftp Site that was broken).

I have noticed some problems :
- Executive-summary is crashing when leaving Evolution.
- Spell check is not working (it was working in 0.5, and not in 0.6).
Maybe a packaging problem?
- In HTML mode the composer is looking for a signature file with the
name given in the configuration dialog box and the extension ".html". If
it doesn't find it, Evolution displays a warning dialog box. That's
anoying, it should silently look for a <signature>.html file and if it
doesn't found one use the <signature> file.

Perhaps more interaction between Calendar Contact and Mailer/Composer
should be possible:
- Take a contact from the list in the Composer (OK that is done)
- Save a contact from the mailer directly to the Contact view (2 or 3
informations can be taken from the header from the header of the mail
Name, Email, Organisation)
- Send special Email (maybe templates of mail like Lotus Notes) asking
for an appointment to somebody (the composer should look into the
Calender if the date and hour of the appointment is not already use).
- When the recipient recieve this mail, and if he accepts it, his
Calendar is automaticaly updated, a reply is send to the sender and the
sender calendar also updated.
Are groupware facilities like this already planed for Evolution.

I'am using Evolution as my regular mail since 0.2 and evry realese is
better than the prevoius.
Keep doing good job.


email: jmardantz ifrance com
site web: http://www.ifrance.com/ardantz
(Screenshots of Evolution and Nautilus)

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