Re: [Evolution] ORBit 0.5.6

On Sat, 16 Dec 2000, Ryan Waldron wrote:

On 16 Dec 2000, Ettore Perazzoli wrote:

STOOOPid question here, but what is the branch name to get the latest
ORBit from CVS?

'cvs ... get orbit'

gets an old version.

'cvs ... get -r orbit-5-5 orbit'

doesn't find a branch with that name, nor does '-r orbit-0-5-5', and
I'm not at ALL an expert (I'm barely competent to tie my shoes) with

Just to follow up on my own question, the branch is named ORBIT_0_5_5,

cvs -d $CVS_GNOME get -r ORBIT_0_5_5 ORBit

worked like a charm for me (where
CVS_GNOME=:pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome, of course).

But then I bailed on that and just installed Helix Gnome instead to
get all the prerequisites in place. :)

Ryan Waldron    |||    |||    rew erebor com

"The web goes ever, ever on, down from the site where it began..."

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