RE: [Evolution] How to go about copying text in Evo?

Rupert Heesom wrote:
BTW, since I have a wheel mouse, I had to hit both L & R buttons (at least
know that much!).

Try clicking the wheel without rolling.  Both MS and Logitech wheel mice
support this.  It then acts as a middle button (so, wheel mice can be
considered 3-button mice).

If that doesn't work, it's either a misconfiguration in your X setup,
or a bug somewhere.

[IIRC, there are more gory details to wheel mouse support under Linux and X,
but in most recent distributions this should Just Work.  I've had good luck
with wheel mice under RedHat 6.2 and 7.0 with no special configuration.]

Ob.Evo.:  If there's an instance where wheel mouse scrolling ought to
work for Evo and it doesn't, is that something worth entering into ?


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