[Evolution] Getting offtopic [Evolution-hackers/encryption of MAPI]

"Christopher R. Hertel" wrote:
We have, in fact, asked Microsoft for the IDL interface specifications.
The answer was reasonable but non-committal.  The issue is being handled
via the SNIA/CIFS documentation working group.

Remember, for companies like Microsoft, their 'intellectual property' is
part of the equation of the worth of the entire company.

Yes.  ...and there is no reason that they would or should release such
information while it is legal for them to keep it private.

        Actually there are reason pro and con, and they will 
        differ depending on what department you're in!

        Legal will probably find reasons to conserve/preserve
          the short-term business advantage by arguing protection
        Marketing will worry about annoying customers and regulatory
          bodies, causing a longer-term disadvantage to the firm, and
        Engineering will look for reasons to make their work at
          least a de-facto standard, if not an RFC.

        Therefor you can expect to hear the same company say
        at least two mutually contradictory things about the
        same question on the same day.  And it doesn't matter
        if the company is Microsoft, Sun or H-P: if it's big
        enough it'll have internal conflicts.

        Coming back to the question of publication of IDL
        specifications, encouraging the proponents of release
        and politely disagreeing with its detractors is
        probably wise... as is publishing books about one's
        analyses of the protocols (Thanks, Luke!)

[Luke's book is at
David Collier-Brown,  | Always do right. This will gratify some people
185 Ellerslie Ave.,   | and astonish the rest.        -- Mark Twain
Willowdale, Ontario   | //www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba/author.html
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